Often overshadowed by their Steelhead cousins, Coho (Silver) Salmon in the lower Skeena Region are powerful gamefish known for their acrobatic aerial displays when hooked. Skeena Coho average 8-15 lbs, 20 lb fish are not uncommon, and each year a few individuals in this hefty northern strain will return from the ocean pushing 30 lbs — making them among the largest to be found in the Pacific Northwest! We offer world-class Trophy Coho fishing through the Summer and Fall seasons on the region’s wildest and most scenic rivers.
Starting in early August, waves of fresh summer-run Coho ascend the Skeena and Kitimat rivers on each incoming tide. Bright silver, these fish are merely days from the ocean and, in the strong flows of Summer, are determined, explosive fighters, typically running well into the backing. Then, in mid-August through mid-September, Coho stack up off the mouths of coastal rivers waiting for Fall rains and river levels to rise. Here, fish roam the Pacific’s emerald green shallows in search of baitfish and can provide some of the most exciting sight-fishing opportunities of the year. As part of an overnight trip in a rustic trapper’s cabin, estuary Coho fishing can also be combined with a day chasing summer Steelhead on remote wilderness rivers. Integral to this adventure are sumptuous Dungeness crabs — served up daily and cooked right on the beach.
Running September 1 through October 31, the lower Skeena’s tributaries see Coho returning by the thousands in some of the most awe-inspiring scenery on the North Coast. Picture yourself casting to a pod of three foot long chrome Coho, surrounded by 3,000-foot jagged mountains jutting skyward and waterfalls cascading into the lush green coastal rainforest beside you; this is a typical day on the lower Skeena tributaries. As the days grow shorter and the nights cooler, this is when the true “Northern Coho” arrive. Averaging 12 to 18 lbs, and growing bigger, these girthy fish push into the Skeena and its tributaries and can provide some of the year’s most memorable fishing.
Join us for our Trophy Coho package for some of the most exciting fishing and spectacular scenery available in the Skeena region – get in touch today!